Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
0 | 0 | minecraft:air | Air | |
1 | 1 | minecraft:stone | Stone S B | |
2 | 2 | minecraft:grass | Grass Block | |
3 | 3 | minecraft:dirt | Dirt S B | |
4 | 4 | minecraft:cobblestone | Cobblestone | |
5 | 5 | minecraft:planks | Wood Planks S B | |
6 | 6 | minecraft:sapling | Sapling S B | |
7 | 7 | minecraft:bedrock | Bedrock | |
8 | 8 | minecraft:flowing_water | Water S | |
9 | 9 | minecraft:water | Stationary Water S | |
10 | A | minecraft:flowing_lava | Lava S | |
11 | B | minecraft:lava | Stationary Lava S | |
12 | C | minecraft:sand | Sand S B | |
13 | D | minecraft:gravel | Gravel | |
14 | E | minecraft:gold_ore | Gold Ore | |
15 | F | minecraft:iron_ore | Iron Ore |
Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
16 | 10 | minecraft:coal_ore | Coal Ore | |
17 | 11 | minecraft:log | Wood S B | |
18 | 12 | minecraft:leaves | Leaves S B | |
19 | 13 | minecraft:sponge | Sponge S B | |
20 | 14 | minecraft:glass | Glass | |
21 | 15 | minecraft:lapis_ore | Lapis Lazuli Ore | |
22 | 16 | minecraft:lapis_block | Lapis Lazuli Block | |
23 | 17 | minecraft:dispenser | Dispenser S E | |
24 | 18 | minecraft:sandstone | Sandstone S B | |
25 | 19 | minecraft:noteblock | Note Block E | |
26 | 1A | minecraft:bed | Bed I S | |
27 | 1B | minecraft:golden_rail | Powered Rail S | |
28 | 1C | minecraft:detector_rail | Detector Rail S | |
29 | 1D | minecraft:sticky_piston | Sticky Piston S | |
30 | 1E | minecraft:web | Cobweb | |
31 | 1F | minecraft:tallgrass | Grass S B |
Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
32 | 20 | minecraft:deadbush | Dead Bush | |
33 | 21 | minecraft:piston | Piston S | |
34 | 22 | minecraft:piston_head | Piston Extension S | |
35 | 23 | minecraft:wool | Wool S B | |
36 | 24 | minecraft:piston_extension | Block moved by Piston E | |
37 | 25 | minecraft:yellow_flower | Dandelion | |
38 | 26 | minecraft:red_flower | Poppy S B | |
39 | 27 | minecraft:brown_mushroom | Brown Mushroom | |
40 | 28 | minecraft:red_mushroom | Red Mushroom | |
41 | 29 | minecraft:gold_block | Block of Gold | |
42 | 2A | minecraft:iron_block | Block of Iron | |
43 | 2B | minecraft:double_stone_slab | Double Stone Slab I S B | |
44 | 2C | minecraft:stone_slab | Stone Slab S B | |
45 | 2D | minecraft:brick_block | Bricks | |
46 | 2E | minecraft:tnt | TNT | |
47 | 2F | minecraft:bookshelf | Bookshelf |
Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
48 | 30 | minecraft:mossy_cobblestone | Moss Stone | |
49 | 31 | minecraft:obsidian | Obsidian | |
50 | 32 | minecraft:torch | Torch S | |
51 | 33 | minecraft:fire | Fire S | |
52 | 34 | minecraft:mob_spawner | Monster Spawner E | |
53 | 35 | minecraft:oak_stairs | Oak Wood Stairs S | |
54 | 36 | minecraft:chest | Chest S E | |
55 | 37 | minecraft:redstone_wire | Redstone Wire I S | |
56 | 38 | minecraft:diamond_ore | Diamond Ore | |
57 | 39 | minecraft:diamond_block | Block of Diamond | |
58 | 3A | minecraft:crafting_table | Crafting Table | |
59 | 3B | minecraft:wheat | Wheat S | |
60 | 3C | minecraft:farmland | Farmland S | |
61 | 3D | minecraft:furnace | Furnace S E | |
62 | 3E | minecraft:lit_furnace | Burning Furnace S E | |
63 | 3F | minecraft:standing_sign | Standing Sign I S E |
Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
64 | 40 | minecraft:wooden_door | Oak Door I S | |
65 | 41 | minecraft:ladder | Ladder S | |
66 | 42 | minecraft:rail | Rail S | |
67 | 43 | minecraft:stone_stairs | Cobblestone Stairs S | |
68 | 44 | minecraft:wall_sign | Wall Sign I S E | |
69 | 45 | minecraft:lever | Lever S | |
70 | 46 | minecraft:stone_pressure_plate | Stone Pressure Plate S | |
71 | 47 | minecraft:iron_door | Iron Door I S | |
72 | 48 | minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate | Wooden Pressure Plate S | |
73 | 49 | minecraft:redstone_ore | Redstone Ore | |
74 | 4A | minecraft:lit_redstone_ore | Glowing Redstone Ore | |
75 | 4B | minecraft:unlit_redstone_torch | Redstone Torch (inactive) S | |
76 | 4C | minecraft:redstone_torch | Redstone Torch (active) S | |
77 | 4D | minecraft:stone_button | Stone Button S | |
78 | 4E | minecraft:snow_layer | Snow S B | |
79 | 4F | minecraft:ice | Ice |
Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
80 | 50 | minecraft:snow | Snow | |
81 | 51 | minecraft:cactus | Cactus S | |
82 | 52 | minecraft:clay | Clay | |
83 | 53 | minecraft:reeds | Sugar Cane I S | |
84 | 54 | minecraft:jukebox | Jukebox S E | |
85 | 55 | minecraft:fence | Fence | |
86 | 56 | minecraft:pumpkin | Pumpkin S | |
87 | 57 | minecraft:netherrack | Netherrack | |
88 | 58 | minecraft:soul_sand | Soul Sand | |
89 | 59 | minecraft:glowstone | Glowstone | |
90 | 5A | minecraft:portal | Nether Portal | |
91 | 5B | minecraft:lit_pumpkin | Jack o'Lantern S | |
92 | 5C | minecraft:cake | Cake I S | |
93 | 5D | minecraft:unpowered_repeater | Redstone Repeater (inactive) I S | |
94 | 5E | minecraft:powered_repeater | Redstone Repeater (active) I S | |
95 | 5F | minecraft:stained_glass | Stained Glass S B |
Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
96 | 60 | minecraft:trapdoor | Trapdoor S | |
97 | 61 | minecraft:monster_egg | Monster Egg S B | |
98 | 62 | minecraft:stonebrick | Stone Bricks S B | |
99 | 63 | minecraft:brown_mushroom_block | Brown Mushroom (block) S | |
100 | 64 | minecraft:red_mushroom_block | Red Mushroom (block) S | |
101 | 65 | minecraft:iron_bars | Iron Bars | |
102 | 66 | minecraft:glass_pane | Glass Pane | |
103 | 67 | minecraft:melon_block | Melon | |
104 | 68 | minecraft:pumpkin_stem | Pumpkin Stem S | |
105 | 69 | minecraft:melon_stem | Melon Stem S | |
106 | 6A | minecraft:vine | Vines S | |
107 | 6B | minecraft:fence_gate | Fence Gate S | |
108 | 6C | minecraft:brick_stairs | Brick Stairs S | |
109 | 6D | minecraft:stone_brick_stairs | Stone Brick Stairs S | |
110 | 6E | minecraft:mycelium | Mycelium | |
111 | 6F | minecraft:waterlily | Lily Pad |
Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
112 | 70 | minecraft:nether_brick | Nether Brick | |
113 | 71 | minecraft:nether_brick_fence | Nether Brick Fence | |
114 | 72 | minecraft:nether_brick_stairs | Nether Brick Stairs S | |
115 | 73 | minecraft:nether_wart | Nether Wart I S | |
116 | 74 | minecraft:enchanting_table | Enchantment Table E | |
117 | 75 | minecraft:brewing_stand | Brewing Stand I S E | |
118 | 76 | minecraft:cauldron | Cauldron I S | |
119 | 77 | minecraft:end_portal | End Portal E | |
120 | 78 | minecraft:end_portal_frame | End Portal Block S | |
121 | 79 | minecraft:end_stone | End Stone | |
122 | 7A | minecraft:dragon_egg | Dragon Egg | |
123 | 7B | minecraft:redstone_lamp | Redstone Lamp (inactive) | |
124 | 7C | minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp | Redstone Lamp (active) | |
125 | 7D | minecraft:double_wooden_slab | Double Wooden Slab S B | |
126 | 7E | minecraft:wooden_slab | Wooden Slab S B | |
127 | 7F | minecraft:cocoa | Cocoa I S |
Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
128 | 80 | minecraft:sandstone_stairs | Sandstone Stairs S | |
129 | 81 | minecraft:emerald_ore | Emerald Ore | |
130 | 82 | minecraft:ender_chest | Ender Chest S E | |
131 | 83 | minecraft:tripwire_hook | Tripwire Hook S | |
132 | 84 | minecraft:tripwire | Tripwire I S | |
133 | 85 | minecraft:emerald_block | Block of Emerald | |
134 | 86 | minecraft:spruce_stairs | Spruce Wood Stairs S | |
135 | 87 | minecraft:birch_stairs | Birch Wood Stairs S | |
136 | 88 | minecraft:jungle_stairs | Jungle Wood Stairs S | |
137 | 89 | minecraft:command_block | Command Block E | |
138 | 8A | minecraft:beacon | Beacon E | |
139 | 8B | minecraft:cobblestone_wall | Cobblestone Wall S B | |
140 | 8C | minecraft:flower_pot | Flower Pot I S E | |
141 | 8D | minecraft:carrots | Carrot I S | |
142 | 8E | minecraft:potatoes | Potato I S | |
143 | 8F | minecraft:wooden_button | Wooden Button S |
Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
144 | 90 | minecraft:skull | Mob head I S E | |
145 | 91 | minecraft:anvil | Anvil S B | |
146 | 92 | minecraft:trapped_chest | Trapped Chest S E | |
147 | 93 | minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate | Light Weighted Pressure Plate S | |
148 | 94 | minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate | Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate S | |
149 | 95 | minecraft:unpowered_comparator | Redstone Comparator I S | |
150 | 96 | minecraft:powered_comparator | Redstone Comparator I S | |
151 | 97 | minecraft:daylight_detector | Daylight Sensor E | |
152 | 98 | minecraft:redstone_block | Block of Redstone | |
153 | 99 | minecraft:quartz_ore | Nether Quartz Ore | |
154 | 9A | minecraft:hopper | Hopper S E | |
155 | 9B | minecraft:quartz_block | Block of Quartz S B | |
156 | 9C | minecraft:quartz_stairs | Quartz Stairs S | |
157 | 9D | minecraft:activator_rail | Activator Rail S | |
158 | 9E | minecraft:dropper | Dropper S E | |
159 | 9F | minecraft:stained_hardened_clay | Stained Clay S B |
Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
160 | A0 | minecraft:stained_glass_pane | Stained Glass Pane S B | |
161 | A1 | minecraft:leaves2 | Leaves (Acacia/Dark Oak) S B | |
162 | A2 | minecraft:log2 | Wood (Acacia/Dark Oak) S B | |
163 | A3 | minecraft:acacia_stairs | Acacia Wood Stairs S | |
164 | A4 | minecraft:dark_oak_stairs | Dark Oak Wood Stairs S | |
165 | A5 | minecraft:slime | Slime Block | |
166 | A6 | minecraft:barrier | Barrier | |
167 | A7 | minecraft:iron_trapdoor | Iron Trapdoor S | |
168 | A8 | minecraft:prismarine | Prismarine S B | |
169 | A9 | minecraft:sea_lantern | Sea Lantern | |
170 | AA | minecraft:hay_block | Hay Bale S | |
171 | AB | minecraft:carpet | Carpet S B | |
172 | AC | minecraft:hardened_clay | Hardened Clay | |
173 | AD | minecraft:coal_block | Block of Coal | |
174 | AE | minecraft:packed_ice | Packed Ice | |
175 | AF | minecraft:double_plant | Large Flowers S B |
Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
176 | B0 | minecraft:standing_banner | Standing Banner I S E | |
177 | B1 | minecraft:wall_banner | Wall Banner I S E | |
178 | B2 | minecraft:daylight_detector_inverted | Inverted Daylight Sensor E | |
179 | B3 | minecraft:red_sandstone | Red Sandstone S B | |
180 | B4 | minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs | Red Sandstone Stairs S | |
181 | B5 | minecraft:double_stone_slab2 | Double Red Sandstone Slab S | |
182 | B6 | minecraft:stone_slab2 | Red Sandstone Slab S | |
183 | B7 | minecraft:spruce_fence_gate | Spruce Fence Gate | |
184 | B8 | minecraft:birch_fence_gate | Birch Fence Gate | |
185 | B9 | minecraft:jungle_fence_gate | Jungle Fence Gate | |
186 | BA | minecraft:dark_oak_fence_gate | Dark Oak Fence Gate | |
187 | BB | minecraft:acacia_fence_gate | Acacia Fence Gate | |
188 | BC | minecraft:spruce_fence | Spruce Fence | |
189 | BD | minecraft:birch_fence | Birch Fence | |
190 | BE | minecraft:jungle_fence | Jungle Fence | |
191 | BF | minecraft:dark_oak_fence | Dark Oak Fence |
Icon | Dec | Hex | Name | Block |
192 | C0 | minecraft:acacia_fence | Acacia Fence | |
193 | C1 | minecraft:spruce_door | Spruce Door I S | |
194 | C2 | minecraft:birch_door | Birch Door I S | |
195 | C3 | minecraft:jungle_door | Jungle Door I S | |
196 | C4 | minecraft:acacia_door | Acacia Door I S | |
197 | C5 | minecraft:dark_oak_door | Dark Oak Door I S | |
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